Let me start out by saying that when my alarm goes off in the morning, I always press snooze. Always. Which is funny because I absolutely love everything that I have going on in my life right now. However just because I love it, doesn’t mean that I am immune to the snooze button.

My life goes one thousand miles an hour. Seriously. I wish I was joking, but it’s true. Currently I am in my 8th year as a high school teacher, and I am teaching three different subjects—two of which I designed curriculum for. I am the head Junior Varsity Girl’s Lacrosse Coach. And oh yeah, I launched a business that is currently planning 6 different international trips at one time, while meeting with brands and potential partners.

Yikes…please send coffee.

Most people who know me well understand that I thrive when my plate is abundantly full. Perhaps that’s why I am incapable of slowing down. Then again, why should I? Don’t get me wrong. I’ve had multiple encounters with the “you may just be single forever” folk—but, whatever.

If these past two years have taught me anything, it’s that you can have your cake and eat it too. You just need to be selective about the kind cake you want and the times in which you allow yourself to eat. If anyone tells you any differently, then that person is holding you back from who you are meant to become.


I frequently see this quote on Instagram:

Ok, cool. I get it. Beyoncé and I have the same amount of hours in a day. No disrespect to Beyoncé, but she and I are on two entirely different levels or playing fields. She gets nominated for a Grammy, and she steps into the stoplight beautifully with her kids thanking everyone who took the time to notice the intricacies of her newest album. I get nominated for Atlanta’s Most Inspiring, and my head is on my desk while I am Face-timing my mom, holding a glass of wine, and trying to figure out how I am going to be in two different places at one time. Clearly—feeling super inspirational at that moment.

I always preach time management to my high school students, and it was at that moment of “inspiration” that decided to maybe adjust my schedule. So I did. It’s been four months, and my energy has increased ten-fold. I am still doing everything that I want to, and I am much happier doing it. Hence the “you can have your cake, and eat it too.”

So here we go.

Five tips on how to effectively manage time, so that you can have your cake and eat it too.

Time Management Tip #1: Get Organized

I have two offices: my classroom and my personal home office. The difference between the two is quite ridiculous. One looks like a tornado rolled through, and the other is pristine. Regardless of the set up, both are organized to a fault. Step one in managing your time is managing your things….all of your things: specifically the space where you will do your things, as well as the actual things you need to do.

Organization of your work space is absolutely crucial. My classroom at the end of the day looks like a disaster, but y’all I have 150 kids. My students know exactly where everything is located: the essential question, the projector, the supplies,  my snacks (unfortunately), and my computer.  Things move faster in my classroom when everything has a place, and when things are written down accordingly.

My home office is much more organized. I have a massive homemade chalkboard with goals, a wall calendar detailing important dates and payments, a set of Joanna Gaines approved filing cabinets for all of my paperwork, and a backup hard drive with alphabetized spread sheets. Now I totally understand that some people may find that a little OCD, but the more organized I became—the less time I spent trying to find what I was looking for. Another added bonus is the fact that everything I need is in one room. When I am trying to unwind and separate myself from all of the work I have, nothing is out in the kitchen, living room, etc. I can zone in to work, and then completely set it aside when I am finished.

In addition, it’s really easy to stress about all of the things you need to get done when you’re constantly thinking about them. Excess thinking doesn’t make your stress level decrease, and it sure doesn’t complete all of the tasks you have either. Write down everything: the dates, the payments, the lacrosse plays, the lesson plans—everything that keeps you awake. I am a firm believer that once you write it out, you are no longer left with anything to think about.

Which brings me to my next point…

Time Management Tip #2: Create Manageable “To Do” Lists

I’m sure you’re thinking that writing everything down doesn’t actually help you accomplish the tasks at hand.  Step two in managing your time is managing your to-do lists. This was and probably still is the hardest for me to do.  As soon as I write everything down, I instantly think: nope…not happening. I actually lost time and productivity because I became increasingly overwhelmed with everything I needed to get done.

Rachel Hollis helped me with this one. Girl Wash Your Face is my new Bible.  “To Do” lists need to be focused, close ended, and prioritized.

My To Do List was a hot mess.

I took the Rachel Hollis approach. After writing everything down that I needed to get done, I prioritized, and set deadlines.  Instead of trying to complete 30 tasks in a day, crying, and drinking wine (obviously my “To Do” list wasn’t the only thing that was a hot mess), I gave myself 2-3 manageable tasks a day. Each task was specific, and created based on the set deadline.  All my tasks are colored coded based on teaching, coaching, and marketing—but that’s just me.

It is the most satisfying feeling to cross an item off the “To Do” list.

Time Management Tip #3: Get Rid Of Your Cell Phone

Ok, this doesn’t need much explaining. Do you know that the average person spends 4 hours a day on his or her phone? That means that we spend ONE DAY a week on our phones.

Step three in managing your time is managing your cell phone usage. I remember the first time my phone gave me my weekly screen time report. I thought how intrusive of you, Apple, to tell me how long I stare at my screen.

This is actually my new favorite IPhone feature. I spend way too much time scrolling, specifically on social media. To be fair, Ventre’s Adventures requires a social media and blog presence, but moderation is key. I make my students put their phones in what I call “the phone spa” every day, so I started leaving my phone in the other room when I needed to get things done.

Believe it or not, it works.

Then again I also have text messaging on my computer—but baby steps y’all.

Time Management Tip #4: Keep Your Promises

Another tough one, and another Rachel Hollis tidbit. You absolutely must honor your commitment to yourself, to your career(s), and to your tribe. Step four in managing your time is managing your promises.

Do not… I repeat, do not quit on yourself. Women tend to have this bad habit. We talk about the things we’d like to do, be, try, and accomplish, but once we get to the moment of actually doing it, we fold faster than card table at a sip n’ shop.

I know that blowing off a workout, a date, a deadline, or an afternoon organizing your expenses doesn’t seem like a big deal—but it is. It is a really big deal. Our words have power, but our actions shape our lives. If you choose, today, not to break another promise to yourself, you will force yourself to prioritize.

I work out 4-5 days a week. How? I write it down on my calendar and on my to do list that I am going to.  I schedule the gym into my busy workweek. I honor my promise to myself. Some days—yeah I may feel like skipping because I have too much going on…but a shitty workout is way better than a missed session altogether.

The same holds true to your career and your goals. If you make excuses and push tasks off to the next day, you will never accomplish what you set out to do.

Keep. Your. Promises.

Be that person that shows up ready to seize the day knowing that even if you don’t do your best at that one moment, you still showed up. You still crossed that item off your “To Do” list.

Time Management Tip #5: Just Say No

I know I said that you could have your cake and eat it too, but at some point you are going to have to make a decision. This is where the whole choose the cake you want to eat statement comes into play. Step five in managing your time is managing your “yes.”

I teach, I coach, and I run my own business. I also still want to be a human being, and go out with friends, go on dates, and see family….and travel. I always want to travel.

As I progressed through this journey of teacher, boss babe, and coach, I quickly realized that I couldn’t say yes to everything—but I did anyways. If I’m being 100% honest, I didn’t even want to do most of what I committed to, but I felt like I was going to miss out on some opportunity: being teacher of the year, finding the love of my life (ha!), or adventuring with friends.

Saying yes actually did more damage than saying no. Saying no showed me who my real friends were, and helped me prioritize what I needed to accomplish. Saying no helped me keep my promises.

Do I need to re create a new lesson that was perfect last year? No.

Do I need to meet with every brand that is interested in Ventre’s Adventures? No.

Do I need to go to every social event? No.

Saying no is as empowering as it is comforting.

My students still did phenomenally well on their exams. Ventre’s Adventures is thriving. And guess what? My best friends are still here, just as supportive as ever. My prince charming is clearly lost on a turtle, but that’s beside the point.

The best part of saying no was that I could totally focus on what I wanted to do in that moment. I am no longer running around or cramming things into a schedule that never worked to begin with.

Insert breathe here.

So there it is.

Those are my five steps to improve time management. The best part is that as I began to better manage my time, I began to better manage my happiness and my health.  It’s funny how sometimes it may seem like life is totally spinning out of control, but with a few decisions everything can subside.

That’s why I don’t like the people who tell you that you cannot have your cake and eat it too. Those people don’t know me, and those people don’t know you. You are completely in charge or your own happiness in life. You are never stuck.

Manage your time. Chase your dreams. Venture Further.


Some Tools To Help: